The mission of the Catherine McAuley Center is to serve those experiencing homelessness in NEPA through housing programs, case management and supportive services.

Family Support Program
Case Managers assess needs using a strengths based method and can provide resources and referrals to those facing housing instability.

Emergency Shelter
Our shelters offer a place to stay for 30 days to families experiencing homelessness in Lackawanna (families of all compositions) and Luzerne counties (women with children.)

Women's Housing
Our Housing for Women transitional housing program offers housing and case management for single women earning an income.

Women's Re-Entry
Housing Program
Our Women’s Re-Entry program provides housing and supportive services to women leaving incarceration.

Housing Programs
Our Housing Programs offer rental assistance and case management to those experiencing homelessness.

Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry (a satellite pantry of Friends of the Poor!) is open 9AM-5PM on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Period Project
Our Period Project provides menstrual health items at no cost, advocates to remove the stigma of periods and educates about period poverty.

Gifts for Kids
In partnership with other local agencies, gifts are provided for families in need each holiday season.